A thorough explanation of Class 33 under the Trademark Filing Classification. Each class that must be used to apply for or register a trademark corresponds to a certain type of products or services. We discuss all of the products that are included under Class 33 of trademarks in this page.
Trademark Class 33 pertains to alcoholic beverages, except beer (Class 32)
With Comfunda you can register your trademark and protect your brand in 3 simple steps
We conduct a thorough search of the TM directory and advice you on TM classes
Our experts will collect and verify the necessary documents and file the required forms.
You can start using the TM symbol as soon as the application is submitted and you will receive updates until registration is complete.
We’re open to discussing your ideas and look forward to bringing them to life.
Feel free to call us on +91-8896992400, 8896973800, 9838991199 or email to info@amritaz.com.